Pray for Orlando

I am sure many of you have been watching what is happening around the world these past few weeks. I know that many of us look at what is happening around the world and in our own communities and feel helpless. You are not helpless. You are powerful and your weapons are spiritual. I believe this physical, temporal realm we live in is directed by a more powerful realm in the spiritual. Remember what Ephesians 6:12 tells us: “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places”. As a Church, we need to stand in the gap for those who are defenseless against these spiritual powers and authorities whose whole purpose to “steal, kill, and destroy” mankind and everything Christ stands for. Our greatest weapon is prayer.
We are asking you to help us in this mission. Our Church is joining with other Churches in a movement called: “Orlando Prays”.
Orlando Prays is a part of the America Prays network. They are an inter-denominational, multi-ethnic, Jesus-centered prayer movement covering Orlando in 24/7 prayer. America is in desperate need of revival and spiritual awakening. Our only hope is prayer. Unified prayer in the upper room preceded the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 1:14). We are asking that you join us in prayer. Will you stand in the gap for Orlando and our Church community?
Our vision is to unite and equip churches in Orlando in 24/7 prayer for transformation and spiritual awakening.
Our call is to devote ourselves to prayer for our communities and nation. The Early Church’s devotion to prayer brought them to a place of unity and common purpose. Acts 1:14, “These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer.”
Every church in America regardless of their size, location, annual budget, worship style or theology can adopt a day or half day of prayer every month. A monthly day of prayer is not the end game, but it is a simple on-ramp that helps churches develop a culture of prayer.
After learning about Orlando Prays, I was certain that you would feel the same burden for our City as Pastor Steve and the rest of our Pastor’s Advisory Team has for the people of Orlando. Our Church is one of the most caring Churches I have had the privilege of serving with. As a result, we have stepped out in faith and made a commitment on your behalf.
We have committed to adopt a monthly half day of prayer covering the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in prayer. We are asking you to pray in 15-60 minute segments from home, work, school or at the church. We have chosen the 10th of every month as our time of corporate prayer. If enough people sign up to pray and you want to expand our time on the 10th that would be fantastic. You can pray at 2 a.m. if that is best for you.
The key is that God’s people are praying.
Would you Email or call the church by CLICKING HERE.; to let Martin know what time you will be praying on the 10th of each month. Thank you.
We are expecting that your ministry of prayer for our City will change the lives of every person in Orlando as we learn to live different.. God is good. He has called on His people to be a house of prayer. It is time we obeyed Him, don’t you think?
We can’t wait to share with you what God will do because you prayed for His people and those He loves!